dottie sanders

Customer Service

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Order of Applications

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Click on pictures to download for printing



Click here for a PDF of all of the images.

Give your Customers PERKS for choosing YOU as their Consultant!!!


Do you even KNOW WHEN your Customer's Birthdays are?  

If not, here is a text message and a card to send her to get it.  

Hey Girl! It's (YOUR NAME), your Mary Kay girl!  :)   Do you know how Restaurants give Birthday Discounts or Desserts on your Special Day?  I do a Birthday Special ALL MONTH LONG for my Customers!  That said, I don't know what your Birthday is, so that I can send you the info.  PLEASE message me back with your Birthday (the year is not necessary) LOL, and I'll be sure to share your Birthday surprise on your Birthday month.   As a Thank You for sharing your special day with me, you may NOW enjoy a 20% discount on any one item or set for the next 7 days!!!   Feel free to text, email, or visit my website.  Happy Pre-Birthday Discount.  :) 


Once She/He has sent you Her/His Birth-DATE, send the below picture.

REMEMBER:  “The fortune is in the Follow-Up!”


After sending the picture below, IF you don't get any kind of response that day, follow up with… Hey “SUZY”  I just wanted to make sure you saw the ‘Pre-Birthday Deal’ I sent earlier.  What are you thinking you want to get with your discount?  :)


Then on day 6:  Hey “SUZY”, just a quick reminder that the ‘Pre-Birthday Deal’ expires tomorrow at midnight.  What would you like to get with your 20" discount? Oh my, I forgot to send the 50% off Monthly flier, so here it is too.  What do you want for your ½ price item too?  


The Monthly flier can be found by scrolling down this page to “How to Upsell”

birthday pre birthday deal.jpeg

Text to go with the above picture once she has responded with her Birth Date.  


Hey Girl!  I'm sooooo excited you want to be part of my "Birthday Girl Celebration Program."  In the meantime, don't forget, you can NOW enjoy 20% off of any (1) Item OR Set AND choose (1) 50% off deal from the November flier!   I'd also LOVE to schedule a time for you to try our New Skin Care System.   MaryKay was named #1 in the World about 2 months ago, and this New System is part of why.  :)    What do you think?  

Give your Customers PERKS for choosing YOU as their Consultant!!!


There are Pictures and Text/Email ideas below.  

My customers ALL get the 20% Deal card and Text on the 1st Day of the Month!

On her actual Birthday, she gets the “You are Beautiful” picture, text, and email, 

and then sometime during the 3rd week, she gets the Final Card, text/email below.

Message 1 (On the 1st)


Text Message:   


Happy Birthday,  {first_name}!! This is (YOUR NAME), your Mary Kay Girl!  :)  I want to celebrate your Birthday ALL Month Long!  You can take advantage of a 20% Discount off ALL of your Favorite Skin Care and Color Products AND SHARE IT with 5 of your Favorite Friends!   They too get a 20% Discount because it's YOUR Birthday!  How fun is that!    If you want a BIGGER Birthday Discount, let's all get together (You, Me, and some Friends) either at My/Your Table or Virtually and You get your Entire order at 50% off!    You get to have your cake and eat it too! Which are you most excited about?  Again, Happy Pink Birthday Hugs!!! YOURNAME




Happy Birthday,  {first_name}!!!!!
It's time to celebrate your Birthday, and I say, "do it BIG!" 

How old you are is your business, but how old you look is mine!   
That means that it may just be time to STOCK UP on your favorite Skin Care and Color items!   
The Birthday discount amount is up to you!!   
  You AND 5 of your FRIENDS can enjoy a 20% Discount ALL MONTH LONG or if YOU want a 50% discount, let's get together!   You, Me, and some of your friends can gather at MY/YOUR Table or VIRTUALLY and your order will be 50% off!  
 Which Discount are you most excited about and want to take advantage of?   

Visit my website 24/7 or text me YOURNUMBER
Pink Hugs,


Message 2 (On Customer Birthday)


Text Message:   


Happy Birthday,  {first_name}!  Before you were born, God knew you!  He Wonderfully created you in His image.  I pray that you know you are Special to Him and to Me.   You are a Princess and a Gift to all who know you!  Enjoy your Day!  Happy Pink Birthday Hugs!  YOURNAME




Happy Birthday,  {first_name}!  


Before you were born, God knew you!  He Wonderfully created you in His image.  I pray that you know you are Special to Him and to Me.   You are a Princess and a Gift to all who know you!  Enjoy your Day!  Happy Pink Birthday




Message 3 (Third Monday of Month)


Text Message:   


Hey {first_name}, It's NOT too late!   Your 20% Birthday Discount for You and Up to 5 of your Favorite People for ANY/ALL Mary Kay Products is still good until midnight on the last day of the month!  

OR...if you were thinking PARTY at a Table or Virtually, we can still get something Scheduled!  You receive 50% off your entire order! Call or Text me QUICK before you forget!  Pink Birthday Hugs!  






Hey {first_name},
It's NOT too late!   Your 20% Birthday Discount for You and Up to 5 of your Favorite People for ANY/ALL Mary Kay Products is still good until midnight on the last day of the month! 
Call or Text me QUICK before you forget!

Visit my website 24/7 or text me YOURNUMBER
Pink Birthday Hugs!   YOURNAME

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Banner for Virtual Birthday Party




Hey! I'm  having a Birthday Party & your invited!  It's Virtual & everyone who joins & commits to attend gets FREE SAMPLES! Go accept my Invite to (EX.) "Rachel's Virtual

Birthday Party' to see all the details!



Hey girl.... last call! I'm have a Virtual Birthday Party with Facials!  Sample Fun packets are getting mailed out tomorrow! Once you accept the Party Invite, just comment with a quick, "I'M IN", & she'll mail you samples


How to sign customers up for PCP

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Click on the image to download.

pcp instructions

Script to Send to your Customers!


Attach a cute photo with you with the book!




























Text 1

Hey {{firstName}} have you gotten your🍁FALL/HOLIDAY🎁 Edition of the LOOK book? It should be in your mailbox waiting for you to discover the New Hydrating Lipsticks (pg. 7) 💄, Holiday Looks (pg. 8-9), and Gift Giving ideas, throughout.🎀  What are you most excited about?  I’m loving all these new colors !!

Elizabeth, your Mary Kay girl


Text 2 

(about 10 minutes later)

Oh, almost forgot- your VIP Belara Body Lotion Sample is on pg 14 ❤️❤️I’m dying to get your feedback!🙌🏻😃  #VIPPerks! ~Enjoy 🥰

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40 Customers Binder

Click on the image to download.

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Up-selling Scripts


Every month we get a new flyer! For every $50 (before tax) the customer spends,

they get to pick an item from the flyer for 50% off.


(This is just like McDonald's asking, "Would you like fries with that?" or

Panera asking, "Would you like to add a 99 cent pastry?")


(If they order $50+, I send this text with the image of the special deals.)

Ok fabulous! You qualify for one of our 1/2 price Special Deals. What would you like as your 1/2 price special deal?


(If they order less than $50, I send this text with the image of the special deals.)

Ok fabulous! Thank you! Do you need a new brush to go with the powder you are ordering? Cleanser, mascara, remover? You are 30 away from qualifying for our 1/2 price deals.


(If they order $100+, I send this text with the image of the special deals.)

Ok fabulous! You qualify for 2 of our 1/2 price Special Deals. What would you like as your 2 1/2 price special deals?

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Click here to download.

August 16th

Energy Multiplier Day

    FACT: We feel good when we look good!

    Our Vitamin C Resveritrol combo not only fades sun spots but also helps to smooth fine lines and wrinkles,

Try any Clinical solutions serum NOW for 25% off


       Authenticity Day

    BE YOU - (Just with less lines) Our Clinical Solutions Retinol and Facial Calming Milk will let you be YOU without the extra 

thats something to smile about!!! 20% OFF


August 17th


       Then pamper them with our MINT BLISS Foot Lotion - Find releif while hydrating feet, elbows, and other ashy-achey areas BOGO 1/2 OFF


August 18th

Couples Day

    - His and Her towels is cute but HIS & HER Skincare bares fruit 

age gracefully together!!! 

20% OFF HIS & HER skin care sets


       Mail Order Catalogue Day

    -Grab your MK brochure and choose your fave get off 20% OFF and earn 20% off all Satin Lips and Satin Hand sets for you and a friend


August 19th

World Photo Day

    Let us help you get ready for your photo opportunity 

CC Cream and Foundations not only protect they transform BOGO 1/2 OFF


August 20th

World Water Week


Everything hydrating 20% OFF

    If it says it’s Hydration, obviously it is (ex. Hydrating Mask!)  But basically, Hydration is the difference between a grape that is plump and pretty vs a raisin that is dried up and wrinkly!  SO, HYDRATION is MOISTURIZERS!  YAY!!! 

August 20th

World Water Week


Everything hydrating 20% OFF

    If it says it’s Hydration, obviously it is (ex. Hydrating Mask!)  But basically, Hydration is the difference between a grape that is plump and pretty vs a raisin that is dried up and wrinkly!  SO, HYDRATION is MOISTURIZERS!  YAY!!! 


August 21st
Discovery Day
Discover something new 25% off - your choice

Internet Self Care Day
Get a layer of protection between those harmful blue light and sunlight rays with our cc creams, foundations and primers.


August 22nd
World Plant Milk Day
Our calming facial milk and retinol set will make lines fade away leading to
greener pastures as we age!


August 23rd
Inner Nerd Day
Our scientist are diligently working to make the best skin care 

possible for you.
Introducing all clinical solutions productions 20% off Its Science at its Best


August 25th
Kiss and Make Up Day
All lip BOGO 1/2 off - even Satin Lips


August 26th

National Day of Repentance
Mary Kay understands we didnt always have the best skin care routine. 

Be forgiving while turning time back using our repair products!!! 

Yes, you can!!! All Repair 20% off


Click here to download.