
Going Virtual



Going Virtual does not have to be stressful or expensive.


Embrace the age of convenience and technology!!!


Mary Kay has partnered with Working Live to give us a Financially Smart opportunity with Zoom.

The cost is $12.99 a month and allows you to Stream your

Zoom events into your FB events.   WOW!


Go to:

Click on Mary Kay and set up your account to take advantage of this offer.  

Remember:   Any expense like this is a BUSINESS TAX WRITE OFF

Going Virtual

follow-up questions (1)

Click here for a version you can copy and paste.

How to Create a Private Facebook Group

Do's and Don't on

Social Media

Facebook Go Kit

Digital Party Playbook

How to Create a Business Facebook Page

Social Media Playbook

VBE Booking Scripts

Scripts for Booking Virtually

VBE Mailing Letter

Steps to Set Up Your Mary Kay Business Page

Steps to Set Up Your Mary Kay Business Page Continued